God Has Blessed Our Day

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sick in Summer

Well I've been sick these last few days. Not fun! Mostly a bad sinus cold and headache (super bad headache). Yesterday seemed to be the worst of it. I had a little stomach upset also! I felt it coming on Father's Day that evening. We had a good day other than some of us were not feeling good. Jade was even under the weather. That morning Melina and I made a good breakfast for Jade. He opened a couple gifts and we went to church. It was such a nice morning. Then after that we all kind of went down. Even Melina had been coughing and had a little sniffle. NOT sure what is happening. So Monday it just got worse. Then by Tuesday morning I needed Jade to stay home with the girls. They all missed swimming (SO SAD) and Jade had to miss out on an important meeting at work! :( I just thank the Lord for him because I don't think I would have made it without his help yesterday.
This morning I am feeling a bit better, at least my stomach isn't turning, and I am going to the doctor at 2:45. Whenever I get a cold it infects my sinuses! EVERY TIME! So I am hoping they will give me antibiotics to kill it quick. I am hoping that I am not sick for tomorrow! I really thought that sickness was suppose to be in winter, NOT summer!!!!!

So my girls are my angels and have been so understanding and sweet. They argue with each other really well, but they are good. So far they are not getting this bad sickness. I am watching Melina with her nose, but she fights things so differently than anyone I know. She is so strong and nothing really ever gets her down. I am hoping that we will all be well and can go to swim tomorrow morning! I know that prayers are being said and I can feel them. God is good and I rely on His strength for everything. Thank you.

Looks like we are having a nice sunny day. A few clouds out there, but I believe it will be warm. Maybe I will sit in the sun for 10 minutes to boost me up a little.

Hope you all will have a great day! Stay healthy (unlike me) and draw on the strength of our Lord! God Bless.

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