What a busy month! I hope and pray that all of you have found your holidays wonderful and filled with love. We sure have had a lot of love filled in this home. We didn't have company or anyone over, but we could feel our families thoughts and prayers during this Christmas season.
We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you for making our Christmas one of the best. It was filled with so much thoughtfulness and we are so grateful! SUPER appreciative and we LOVE you ALL!
Here are my Santa photos I took at Schweitzer Mountain. Some of you may have seen them on Facebook, but I am finally putting them on my blog. I will try and be more active on here. We've just been so busy, as most of you are as well. So keep checking back and I hope to have a few more swim and Christmas photos up!
For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that who so ever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have ETERNAL life! John 3:16
This is a very popular verse, but it is to me what Christmas means! He gave us His son! And that is the greatest gift of all!

Santa and Olline. Olline looking like she really wants that gift and Santa looks like he is pondering if he should give it to her!

This is Olline's first look at Santa!

Melina waited all evening to see Santa. They weren't sure if they had enough gifts for all the kids, so she and her friend decided to let everyone else go first. (I'm talking about 50-80 kids before her) She waited with a happy heart and finally she got to see him!

Dad and Melina got to sit on Santa! This would have been a perfect photo, but Melina's antlers are shading Jade's face funny.
Merry Christmas Late and soon to be a Happy New Year!
God Bless!